Enter a description of your problem in the Begin Conflict Isolation dialog box, then click “OK.” Since Conflict Isolation takes some time, this description helps to remind you of your objective later on. Next, mark any extensions that are essential to the basic use of your Macintosh by clicking to the left of their names (example: you can’t mount file servers without the AppleShare extension). Don’t mark any unnecessary items, because Conflict Isolation skips over them as a group. Once you’ve turned on any essential extensions, restart your Macintosh (or click “OK” in the Now Startup Manager control panel if you’ve opened it during the startup sequence). A startup crash is easy to confirm — startup is completed (Pass), or it’s interrupted by a crash (Fail). However, if the problem occurs after startup, you must duplicate the actions that trigger it to determine the result: a Pass (problem didn’t occur) or Fail (problem did occur). When you know the answer, restart your Macintosh. Now Startup Manager opens automatically and asks if the test result was a Pass or a Fail. Click the appropriate button, or click “Retry” to repeat the test. Conflict Isolation begins with all non-essential extensions turned off. If this test Fails, you must have a problem with your system software or the essential extensions themselves; you’ll probably want to reinstall them. If the first test Passes, Now Startup Manager narrows down the startup items and resumes startup. Retest the problem, then restart, to complete a restart cycle. The more extensions that are initially active, the more restart cycles there must be. Continue until the Conflict Isolation results are displayed in a dialog box. Buttons in the dialog box let you turn off the problem extension; reorder it relative to other conflicting extensions; or perform additional testing to detect a three-way conflict (rare). During this process, a Conflict Isolation Log is created in the main window of your hard disk. Open this file for a detailed progress report, which can be helpful if you need to contact a software publisher or help desk for further assistance. For more information and a detailed tutorial on using Conflict Isolation, see the “Now Startup Manager” chapter in the Now Utilities User’s Guide.